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SMART Africa
Welcome to the journey that led to the establishment of the African Chapter of the ISMRM. This is a testament to resilience and global collaboration - central to sustaining resource networks that support MRI in Africa. This journey began in 2018, when Dr. Udunna Anazodo and Dr. Johnes Obungoloch recognized the need for greater representation in the ISMRM and initiated efforts to form a regional chapter. CAMERA conducted a needs assessment survey (NAS) and built a network of over 300 African MRI professionals. With funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative led by Prof Godwin Ogbole, and increased ISMRM leadership commitment, the African Chapter petition became a reality. This chapter reflects the tenacity in overcoming equity challenges and CAMERA's commitment to strengthening MRI education & research in African countries (SMART Africa). We thank champions from ISMRM, ESMRMB and regional leaders across Africa who played a crucial role in the success of the chapter.
The inaugural ISMRM African Chapter meeting took place in October 2023 in Accra, Ghana. The event centered around crucial themes, addressing strategies to enhance MRI infrastructure in resource-limited contexts, novel techniques tailored for diverse African populations, the role of AI and machine learning in MRI with a focus on the opportunities and implications, and the imperative for multidisciplinary collaboration. Additionally, it provided a space for students like Mr. Asiamah to present their work, like his BraTS challange model developed in SPARK. This conference not only showcased advancements but also underscored a commitment to overcoming challenges and propelling positive transformations in African healthcare through state-of-the-art MRI research and collaborative initiatives.
Visit the Chapter's page to join the chapter or learn more about upcoming events and activities
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